Course title: ROMA T&T
Short Description:
Deals with the issue of the absence of pre-school education for the Roma children..
The course offer training to a model of intercultural coexistence in kindergarten which would include the nomads. It is not a first pilot project and in Europe, we can compare different examples . As it is a project that deals with “boundary”. Because it includes, as we have seen above, several limitations, biographical, cultural and social, including those of the same educational institutions, who are faced with having to put their own goals in paradoxical relationship with the risk, or rather, frustration, that this entails. Our model will be applied and then verified in four different communities (Athens, Bologna, Nyíregyháza, Valencia). The objective of the fund is to bring Roma children to educational institutions (and vice versa), working in prevention on pre-school education. The methodology is quite as open, as pedagogies in their respective countries. Commonly it was decided to base the action model on the practices of cultural mediation. The instrument and the technical resources used are taken from the involvement of specific skills:• The educator – cultural mediator pair.• The training on intercultural mediation given to these operatorsMoreover, among the techniques used in this project, there will be research-action . Not just for scientific testing of a pilot case, but to raise awareness of the actions and their effects, we will put in brackets the quantitative indicators. Thanks to the principle of research, this work will take on a sense of “adventure” that is well suited to border measures. In other words, all the stakeholders of the project will develop a suitable kindergarten for Roma and at the same time, verify that activities area) with an ideal model of school cultural coexistence,b) is the model school “normal” part of its territory.
This model developed by the project Roma T & T, will be developed by each participant in the project in advance, and gradually compared with the pages collected below. These Guidelines would be the ideal reference, the synthesis model of intercultural school, or the table for discussion and exchange of experiences, of the various operators in different countries.