Thematic area Course Subject & Small Description Languages
Entrepreneurship & Business DIVET Develop the skills of young people interested to work in the field of internet based and social media exports.
Entrepreneurship & Business e-EMPORIO Increase of the exporting activity of the SMEs.
Entrepreneurship & Business SMALL ENTERPRISES Entrepreneurship & Business development for SMEs.
Entrepreneurship & Business EAPPREN Increase the quality and the quantity of apprenticeship in Europe (with a particular geographical focus in East and South-East Europe)
Entrepreneurship & Business CSR2VET CSR2VET is a project which aims to promote CSR as a methodology for improving the VET sector. It also aims to increase engagement and participation of fewer opportunity people in VET and increase employability opportunities and promote new roles in companies through CSR. Also, it aims to increase the awareness of educational situations, especially vocational education, on social responsibility.
Entrepreneurship & Business DIGINILOGS Digitalization in Logistics
Entrepreneurship & Business 21st Century Skills – Entrepreneurship Learn the basics about entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship & Business 21st Century Skills – Creative Thinking Learn the basics about Creative Thinking
Entrepreneurship & Business 21st Century Skills – Sustainability Learn the basics about Sustainability
Entrepreneurship & Business APPRENTLINE Use effectively digital tools in order to organize online apprenticeships